In our Fig Orchards we cultivate the two local varieties of figs: Royal and Royal Black.

The microclimate in our area, Markopoulo, creates such conditions that the above varieties of figs thrive exclusively here, so our figs are certified by the EU as Agricultural Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) produce, since 1996.

- Light green outer skin with stripes

- Bright pink to brilliant red insides

- Extra-sweet flavor

- Smaller than Royal Black Fig

- Dark Black outer thin skin to moderate

- White Flesh color

- Red with light-brown shades

Figs are not only Delicious but also Nutritious! It has been proved by several studies that there are numerous health benefits and even more if you consume it raw. 


  • help build stronger bones.
  • contain magnesium and calcium.
  • are high in soluble and insoluble fiber.
  • have anti-diabetic effects.
  • are very high in minerals which
  • helps create red blood cells and provent anemia.
  • are a sweet way to lose weight.


Figs are seasonal fruit and are only available for a specific period of the year.

Our Royal Figs are available from late July to mid-September.

Our Royal Black Figs are available form early August to mid-November.